Friday, April 10, 2009

John's Photography = Authentic

My parents blessed me with an extremely normal name - Johnathon Roger Nelson. It makes eyes glaze over and induces yawns.

Lucky for me, the name doesn't make the person.

When I started John's Photography, I wasn't worried about what I would name it. Nor was I concerned with making myself into someone I'm not.

I created John's Photography because I was meant to do so. It is my path.

When I sat down to fill out my tax license application, my heart skipped when I read "Doing business as:" I strolled through several unique and fun names in my head. These names might have worked. I have several talented and passionate photographer friends who started successful businesses with very interesting and fitting names.

I, however, chose my own mundane moniker.

Why? Because I want to prove that the name doesn't matter. The name doesn't press the shutter button or Photoshop zits off of faces. The name doesn't earn $1000 just to turn around and spend it on a new lens. The name doesn't trudge through a blizzard to take photos of the Campanile. The name doesn't read textbooks about wedding photography in it's free time. The name doesn't make things work. The name is a name, but I can make it more than that. I want to make my name signify authenticity and noteriety. I want to be my own brand.

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